Our classes finished off a fantastic school year with concerts, special presentations, a field trip to the Zoo, and an ice cream party! We are all looking...
Tag - youth
Millarville Stockland 4-H Club held its Achievement Day on Sunday, May 19TH. Our club this year is smaller but still very competitive. To start the day off we...
Our school year has flown by, and we are looking forward to a month of celebrating all the learning, play and fun we have had! As we honour and acknowledge...
The Little Schoolhouse is looking forward to another month of discovery, learning, and play! We are excited to witness the life cycle of a butterfly, explore...
Millarville Stockland 4-H Beef club was off to a great start in October! Weigh-in was held on October 28, 2023, at Black Diamond land & Co. Thanks to Black...
Happy Spring! Our classes are looking forward to a fantastic month. April will be a month where we will celebrate the Earth, learning about its weather and how...
As this icy winter is hopefully approaching its end, the Millarville Mutts & Mustangs 4-H members challenged what is one of the most feared events- public...
This month The Little Schoolhouse will be exploring the colours of the rainbow. Through song, rhyme, art, and STEM we will investigate creating and identifying...
Happy February! All our classes are celebrating love, friendship, and family this month. It has been fun to explore how our differences make us unique and...
As we come closer to the midway point of the 4-H year, we are fully into the routine of the Millarville Mutts and Mustangs (MMM) 4-H Club. Members attend...