We have added some book/CD kits to our Juvenile section which are geared towards reluctant or struggling readers aged 8-13 years. Now a child can listen to the...
Tag - turner valley
Putting It All Together Readers of this column will know the last few years I have done a number of articles on how to better secure your home from potential...
It sure was a nice summer. I just got back from the annual Longstock Music Festival in August, 16 bands over three days, my two favorites were the Shannon...
Out Loud 2023 approaches! We have a fantastic line up for this year’s Out Loud Series: Old Tales and New Trails. Skip Gorman Saturday, October 14, 7:00 pm For...
Rural DEW Line Some folks may remember the DEW (Distant Early Warning) line. It was built during the cold war and consisted of a number of radar outposts...
What a gorgeous summer it’s been so far, mixed in with some good thunderstorms and smoke in the air. It’s also Music Festival Time and I am excited to attend a...
We are thrilled to present our fall program line-up in this issue of the High Country News. Once again, we have several classes for pre-school children. This...
What a great Parade we had at the beginning of June! We had lots of people show up to watch our annual Parade, lots of children had fun watching the floats...
Summer at the library Even though most of us have been longing for the summer months and a chance to get outside and enjoy the heat and sunshine, there are a...
AirTags, Smartags, Tiles In my last article on Auto Theft, I described an occurrence where a stolen vehicle was tracked and intercepted by police with the use...