Black Diamond and Turner Valley Councils are moving forward in the amalgamation process by beginning formal negotiations. The amalgamation is a priority for...
Tag - turner valley
Scammers are Having a Heyday AMA delivered an email to me recently that triggered a topic that I could probably address once a year as it is a constantly...
Hello, Diamond Valley! Brrrrr did we ever get our cold snap in February, started around the 5th with temperatures plunging into the -30s and even -40s with the...
2020 Crime Statistics As referenced last month, here are the 2020 crime statistics for the Turner Valley detachment area conveniently broken down by region and...
Hey there Diamond Valley! How the heck is everyone doing this February? At the time of writing (the middle of January), restaurants, gyms, and salons and the...
The Changing of Rural Policing Best wishes for the New Year from the HCRCWA! I hope to have some crime statistics for full year 2020 in the next issue for you...
Happy New Year Diamond Valley! Was it a quiet holiday for most? Missing family and friends at a time when we usually get together for Christmas was a...
What is the HCRCWA Anyway? Many of us have a vague idea of what the High Country Rural Crime Watch Association is, but what is it really, and what does it do...
Hello, Diamond Valley. We are well into winter now even though the first official day of winter is December 21. It started with a smallish blizzard the weekend...
Good Neighbour Bylaws The municipalities of Foothills County and Rockyview County are some of the most beautiful and desirable locales in all of Alberta. Over...