Fall is officially here (at least the trees say so – and we’ve had the obligatory September snow!). Council is back in session and had our organizational...
Tag - rocky view
Rocky View County’s Chief Administrative Officer, Al Hoggan, has been elected president of the Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators’ Association (ARMAA). For...
Summer Review & Upcoming Events: Welcome back from what I hope was a glorious summer for you. During the summer I participated in many events supporting...
Around the Division…. I get calls/ emails for things (and am always glad to help) where it is almost always faster (and with a better response) to go...
Welcome to July: Currently myself, Clr. Hanson and our CAO are attending the Federations of Canadian Municipalities. This conference is well attended by...
A Look back at April: April “snow” showers hopefully bring May flowers! Last weekend’s snow event was most certainly eventful! I hope you were all safe...