Well, I guess there has been a lot on the go, but firstly the pandemic. This pandemic, continues to shape us, mold us, and change the way we are interacting...
Tag - rocky view
I hope you enjoyed your summer and even more importantly this gorgeous fall we were enjoying, until last week’s snowfall! COVID-19, and how we are adapting to...
Council was just on summer break, and these breaks are a good time to recharge and reconnect with personal (aka chores) and other work priorities. As this...
I hope this newsletter finds you all well. It has been a remarkable time for most of us since the beginning of March. Working from home, learning how shop...
After 3 months of shut down, I am relieved we are moving towards opening up. For many of us, our work continued, albeit from a different location, but for...
The world continues to be a different place. Social distancing continues, working from home, masks, gloves, long lineups at grocery stores and non-essential...
As I review my newsletter from last month all I can say is a lot has changed! What a difference four weeks can make in our lives, our county, the province...
We know, and you keep letting me know, we need to maintain (at the very least) and hopefully upgrade our Springbank Park for All Seasons. We need to get a...
A number of years ago, we owned a couple of horses. I know many of you do as well. We enjoyed our time in 4-H; rodeo & barrel racing; riding in parades...
Halloween pumpkins give way to Remembrance Day, which will then give way to Christmas. It is amazing to me how fast time goes when marked by the important...