Join us at Red Deer Lake United Church where we come together in community and explore God together Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. We are an affirming, safe...
Tag - red deer lake
Join us at Red Deer Lake United Church where we come together in community and explore God together Sunday mornings at 10:30 am, with coffee & social...
Sunday Worship at 10:30am We are an inclusive community of works-in-progress who want to participate in Something Bigger Than Ourselves through faith, love...
ON THE EDGE SEASON TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE If you love music and a bang for your buck, Red Deer Lake United Church’s On the Edge Concert Series is your best bet...
You’re welcome, wanted, and accepted. Join us on the journey Are you looking for a new church? We would like to officially welcome you to join our inclusive...
As of this writing, we are once again offering in-person services at our church west of Calgary on Highway 22X. Andas of February 9, we have removed the...
Well, our plans for ongoing in-person services in the New Year and our much- anticipated performance of the Calgary Women’s Choir on January 23 were waylaid by...
Happy New Year! As of this writing, we are offering in-person services at 10:30am on Sundays at our church on the southwest outskirts of Calgary. We will be...
Join us in person or online on Sundays at 10:30am as we embrace everything Advent and Christmas have to offer. If you’ve fallen out of the routine of coming to...
As of this writing, we are offering in- person services at 10:30am on Sundays at our church building on Highway 22X. We will be asking everyone attending our...