It’s time to renew your Priddis Community Association Membership. Due at the end of October, renew your membership online or fill out the form and submit it by...
Tag - priddis
WOW! Two of Our Annual Events Successfully Completed Hope you were one of the 150 people that made it to our amazing Community Breakfast! Thank you to all the...
Does the nighttime scare you? Does the dark bring you fear? You don’t need to be afraid! You can learn all about it here! Experience the evening. (We’ll have...
It’s been a quiet month in the High Country, our home for all seasons, out here on the edge of the prairie somewhere west of Calgary. Last month, our executive...
Everyone has taken up their fall routine now that the kids will be back at school. The garden is winding down and you have found that you have some free time...
Doorway to Conservation Why should we conserve the planet? This is a question we ask a lot here at the Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area (ASCCA), it is...
FREE-FREE Community Breakfast Sunday, September 8th. From 9:00am to Noon, the Square Butte Community Association is hosting a FREE Community Breakfast. Come...
It’s been a quiet month in the High Country, our Utopia out here on the edge of the prairie somewhere west of Calgary. Last month I suggested that crime in...
With school out for the summer, be mindful of the speed limit of 40 km along the Priddis Valley Road as children are walking and biking to the playground at...
Square Butte Community Association was incorporated in 1966. It is comprised of dedicated volunteers who are welcoming of new membership and new ideas, which...