Suzanne Oel – Division 4 Greetings! Sharing my News Update… FireSmart: It’s the time of year to get the “wildfire” topic on the radar. With a few...
Tag - politics
Barb Castell – Division 3 Spring is here and as expected, the Road Bans are in place. Check out the Foothills County website. 2022 Spring Road...
It was with interest that I read Miranda Rosin’s March article in praise of the “freedom protesters ” (“our friends”). Strange but I do not count any friends...
The world is changing, and Canada has an opportunity to unleash its incredible potential and be a global powerhouse as a reliable, trusted supplier of vital...
After many long years, Alberta is back in the black! Our province has a balanced budget, and a surplus! After seeing oil prices dip into negative values and...
Kevin Hanson – Division 1 Quick BitsFolks have been asking for updates on Bingham Crossing (Costco?) or Gateway Developments. The most up-to-date and...
Don Kochan – Mayor, Division 2 Hi everyone, following is an update on Council matters for your use: COVID: with the Covid restrictions being mostly...
Suzanne Oel – Division 4 Greetings! Sharing my News Update… Ambulance Situation: A welcome announcement came out from the Province on March 10...
Barb Castell – Division 3 Greetings from Foothills County, Division 3 and a huge welcome to Spring!!! It has been a busy month both in Council and in...
On February 9th our United Conservative government lead the way to normalcy by being the first province in all of Canada to eliminate our vaccination passport...