It sure was a nice summer. I just got back from the annual Longstock Music Festival in August, 16 bands over three days, my two favorites were the Shannon...
Tag - news
Canada Day Breakfast We had wonderful attendance this year for our 41st annual Canada Day Breakfast, with well over 400 joining us. On Friday night our set-up...
What a gorgeous summer it’s been so far, mixed in with some good thunderstorms and smoke in the air. It’s also Music Festival Time and I am excited to attend a...
What a great Parade we had at the beginning of June! We had lots of people show up to watch our annual Parade, lots of children had fun watching the floats...
Hello, Diamond Valley. What a beautiful spring it has been. At the time of writing, we have put away our snow shovels and planted the garden, as the May long...
The De Winton Community Association (DCA) – A. Walter Turnbull Award – 2023 The A. Walter Turnbull Award was established by the De Winton Community...
Hello, Diamond Valley! Ah, spring has sure been in the air after all that snow that kept coming and going. So far, I’ve seen Canada geese, a blue jay and a...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well, we are officially in spring now, it sure has felt like this winter was a long one, with snow coming and going. Let’s hope for a...
ArtWorks announces Spring Show After some of the dreary winter weather we’ve been experiencing lately, signs of spring are definitely embraced with joy. And...
Hello, Diamond Valley. What a nice February we had, for the first few weeks anyway. It’s Earth Hour this month, on March 25. This is one hour a year where we...