Hello, Diamond Valley. Well, the first official day of autumn this year is September 22. It’s been a great summer, with some spectacular lightning and thunder...
Tag - news
Another Great Canada Day Pancake Breakfast at the De Winton Community Hall On Friday night, as our team pf volunteers converged at the Hall, he big question...
Hello, Diamond Valley. What a nice hot summer it’s been so far. We had a great Canada Day and the fireworks were amazing as always. I hope everyone is out...
Well we had a fantastic Parade Day on June 1st, and thankfully the it didn’t rain on our parade! We’ve had a lot more rain than normal in June, it seems that...
GREAT FUN AT OUR JUNE 1 WESTERN DANCE The DCA proudly hosted their 19th Annual Western Dance and Dinner on June 1. We had close to 100 people come out and...
Hello, Diamond Valley. It’s been a different spring this year, with wind and rain, snow, and sun. The first day of summer is officially June 20, let’s hope for...
WE HAVE A LOT HAPPENING AT THE HALL The De Winton Community Association (DCA) owns a large hall where we host many events aimed at promoting community spirit...
Hello, Diamond Valley. What a lovely spring it’s been so far, with a few exceptions like the major snowfall we were treated to on April 4th. But as everyone...
Dear DCA Volunteer: The DeWinton Community Association considers itself so very fortunate to be able to call on a great group of community volunteers to...
Hello, Diamond Valley. What a lovely spring it’s been so far. It’s been so nice to sit outside and listen to the birds singing and feel the sun on your face...