Hello, Diamond Valley. Well we survived a couple weeks of brutally cold weather in January. I’m not looking forward to my next utility bill, with the furnace...
Tag - news
Happy New Year, Diamond Valley! Winter reared its head before the official solstice, and we had some heavy duty snow towards the end of November which...
Hello, Diamond Valley. We hope you and yours will have a wonderful holiday season, whatever you may be doing in our beautiful community. If you have an animal...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well we sure had some crazy snow the end of September and the first week of October. A good three feet of snow fell and had us all...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well it wasn’t too bad a September. We had some heavy rains along with some really nice days. Many of us mowed our lawns one last time...
Hello, Diamond Valley. The first day of fall is September 21, the Autumn Equinox. The kids are back in school after a summer off, and my furnace kicked on...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well it’s been a lovely summer so far. We have had some fiendish storms with wind and hail and rain, but so far my vegetable garden has...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well June was a pretty nice, sunny month, sure nice to be outside on a regular basis. We could use some more rain for sure. Parade Day...