Drowning in mud The Millarville-Stockland 4-H Beef and Sheep Club had our Achievement day on May 9th 2021. It was at the Millarville Racetrack infield and you...
Tag - millarville
Meetings are held at the Millarville Anglican Church House on the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, usually at 7:30 p.m. Due to COVID-19...
Square Butte Community Association The wall restoration is well underway at the Hall. Excavation around the north basement wall has revealed some interesting...
The Community Association has been busy with organizing the Wall Restoration Project which started on June 26th. Volunteers have willingly stepped forward to...
Summer already! And a summer we are all more than ready for! Our little library will operate its usual Summer hours (Wednesdays 10-7:30) when you can browse or...
The SBSH Online Spring Auction was a huge success. We raised $10,686, well above our initial goal. SBCA want to thank all our donors and the enthusiastic...
Here we are at the last month of the school year and sadly nothing much has changed. As of writing we are still in lockdown, with curbside pick-up only on...
It has been a busy time for the SBCA board as they work towards procuring the CFEP grant, County of Foothills support grant, Agri-grant, Millarville...
The Millarville Stockland 4-H Beef & Sheep Club has been very busy! We have been conducting the business of the Club on Zoom. Here are some of the things...
The Board has been working hard the last month compiling information and putting together a submission for the prov. grant Community Facility Enhancement...