Chapter 169 As I sit down to write this missive, a day late to deadline, I am watching the rain fall through misty-smokey grey skies obliterating the...
Tag - lifestyle
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE I boarded the bus in Longview with my friends and settled into my comfy seat, anticipating a fun day out at the Telus Spark Centre in...
Chapter 168 Ahh, the beauty of our Alberta summer. When I first arrived in Calgary over 30 year ago, I was repeatedly entertained by the locals’ expressions...
Three Times I love going down to my son’s place on the prairies. We live in the foothills and see the mountains every day, but he lives where it is flat...
Chapter 167 It occurs to me that our perception of life and death is perhaps a little warped? In meditation, thoughts of being arise. What is my purpose in...
In Search of Manhood In a few weeks we will celebrate Father’s Day. For some it will be a day of celebration and joy. Fond and precious memories will be...
A Prosy Ode to an Onion Photo by Summer Day The first papery layer crackles as I crinkle the dry brown skin and it falls away from the moist, white bulb...
Chapter 166 So much for that “last of the big snowfalls” in my last month’s message. Ha. Two feet of snow overnight made for an entertaining snow day. However...
Spring Cleaning For seasoned Albertans, Spring is that time of year when you experience all four seasons in a month. Realistically it just seems that way. For...
Holes There are holes in the sky Where the rain gets in But they’re ever so small That’s why rain is thin. By Spike Milligan I breathe in the earthiness of...