Chapter 175 More of those ridiculous cloudless blue skies heading into the month of my birth to celebrate sixty wild years rocking around on this lovely little...
Tag - lifestyle
Developing the Power of Influence Last month we started looking at ten possibilities for developing the power of influence. Here is a brief recap of the first...
PANCAKE DAY It’s time for pancakes again! Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday is on March 4, 2025. Light and airy, sweet and savoury, raising funds for a worthy...
Chapter 174 The sky is pure, clear blue… cloudless, endless, translucent, full of imaginings. Moments later the sun has reached a certain angle and the...
Developing the Power of Influence Johnny Gaudreau’s death brought an outpouring of love and respect from thousands of people. What triggered such a response...
“MY” ROCKING CHAIR I call it “my” rocking chair, but where did it come from? Twenty five years ago, Zak yanked the steering wheel of his truck and pulled off...
Build a Future with Better Words At some point in your life you have probably heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt...
GRAPES AND PEAS Grapes and peas. We’ve eaten them all, so I’ve put them on the shopping list. Jennifer says we should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables...
Chapter 173 Here we all are in a brand new year again. It’s cliche after cliche, time flying tempus fugit & all that. I write this from England. Lovely to...
From the Pen of My Wife This Christmas I would like to give you a gift from my beloved wife. Reading through her journals has brought back treasured memories...