The library is open again, and we will resume our regular hours. They are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 5pm. Our phone number is 403-558-3927...
Tag - library
We are open! If all goes according to plan, we will stay that way. We are not quite back to regular hours as yet. Until the end of August, the library will be...
Summer already! And a summer we are all more than ready for! Our little library will operate its usual Summer hours (Wednesdays 10-7:30) when you can browse or...
Unfortunately, our little library remains closed. You may order books by calling Linda at 403.558.3927, or order them from home using your TRACPAC account...
Happy Books at Sheep River Library “Could you please recommend some happy books?” That was the feedback I received from last month’s column from a reader...
Here we are at the last month of the school year and sadly nothing much has changed. As of writing we are still in lockdown, with curbside pick-up only on...
Unfortunately, our library is closed again. You may still order books, however, by calling Lynda, our librarian, at 403.558.3927. Or, using your trackpac...
As predicted, we are once again closed, although by the time you read this we may be open again. The best advice we can give is to regularly check our website...
Hooray, hooray, our little library is open today. We are back to our regular hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 10am to 5pm. Our phone number is 403...
Much to our surprise, libraries were moved from Stage 3 to Stage 2 of the province’s re-opening plan, able to open as early as March 2 with 15% capacity. It...