Unconditional Offers If you’re planning to buy a new home, you will make an offer* to start negotiations with the homeowner on the house you’ve chosen. There...
Tag - finance
Wealth Building For Women – Part 2 Here are ten steps that will help you take control of your financial future: 1. Let knowledge overcome fear. Knowledge...
Variable Mortgage Rates Last month we talked about factors that determine fixed mortgage rates. Now we’ll address variable mortgage rates and the factors that...
Wealth Building For Women – Part 1 Today we start a two-part series on women and finance. Women today are playing financial catch-up and they’re winning...
FIXED MORTGAGE RATES As you have likely noticed, fixed mortgage rates have been climbing steadily for several months now. I know, I know, we were all very...
Revisiting Your Financial Plan The hits keep coming! With the recently concluded Federal election essentially changing nothing in Ottawa, there is little doubt...
Mortgage Planning Tips For 2022 Whether you are buying a home or renewing/refinancing an existing home this coming year, it is important to make informed...
What is Your Investing Personality? Just as each of us is unique as a person, we also have a distinct investing personality. One isn’t better or worse than the...
Can a Mortgage Be Approved & Then Be Revoked? For most home buyers, obtaining a mortgage is a requirement to purchase a property. Once you’re approved, you...
The Power of Compound Interest “Money makes money. And the money that money makes, makes more money.” This quote by Benjamin Franklin is referencing the power...