Qualifying For A Mortgage Are you planning a new purchase or a refinance in the near future? Do you know whether or not you qualify for a mortgage; or if you...
Tag - finance
Why You Should Choose A Financial Advisor There are common misconceptions about the value of working with a financial advisor. Some believe you have to be rich...
Should I go Variable or Fixed? Aahhh… the most common question asked by my mortgage clients: “Should I go with a variable rate mortgage or a fixed rate...
Don’t Make The Big Five Money Mistakes The financial decisions you make today will determine your future wealth, income and happiness. It’s important to take...
Repairing Your Credit Score Your mortgage rate (plus most other credit opportunities) will be priced in-part based on your personal credit score. You want to...
Have You Planned For Your Financial Future? When it comes to making financial decisions most people focus on either/or scenarios; that is making a short-term...
Have You Planned For Your Financial Future? Much of what we do today is designed to improve our future financial situation. This is a short-term focus and has...
Redwood Meadows Residents Can I roll my upfront lease payment into my mortgage? Yes, maybe or no … it will all depend on your homes equity (equity = the...
Refinancing Your Mortgage For most Canadian families, your home represents your largest investment. Due to current market conditions and low interest rates...
When Volatility Arrives, Optimism is Key! The focus here is on you as an investor! What do you bring to the table in terms of investment experience and...