Landowner & Hunter Rights This is an updated article of one I wrote last year at this time. With hunting season there will be many unfamiliar vehicles and...
Tag - crime
Evacuation Order! Now What? With the hot, dry weather we have been experiencing this summer, and in light of what is transpiring with the BC wildfires, I...
Incidents from Mountie Moments I thought it might be interesting and useful for those of you who are not following the Mountie Moments we are receiving from...
Recent statistical information shows that Canada’s largest credit bureaus, Equifax and TransUnion, receive over 1,800 identity theft complaints from Canadian...
Summer Crime Prevention The Alberta Provincial Crime Watch Association, of which HCRCWA is a member, and the RCMP have issued some common sense, but effective...
Cochrane Foothills Protective Association (CFPA) is the Rural Crime Watch Association for the Cochrane and west Airdrie RCMP Detachment jurisdictions...
Mountie Moments On April 14th, Staff Sgt. Laura Akitt of the Turner Valley detachment commenced a new personal initiative in an effort to increase community...
A Path for Crime Watch Associations? The High Country Rural Crime Watch is just one of many Crime Watch groups that exist not only in Alberta but all across...
Cochrane Foothills Protective Association (CFPA) is the Rural Crime Watch Association for the Cochrane and west Airdrie RCMP Detachment jurisdictions...
Scammers are Having a Heyday AMA delivered an email to me recently that triggered a topic that I could probably address once a year as it is a constantly...