Updates from Division One Nooo! We can’t be into July already? So what’s been happening in Div 1? First, I want to thank everyone who attended the SR1...
Tag - councillor
Welcome to July: Currently myself, Clr. Hanson and our CAO are attending the Federations of Canadian Municipalities. This conference is well attended by...
Electronic Speed Signs a Reminder: Foothills Protective Services arranges for our electronic-message speed sign to rotate through our communities. One of our...
I am both excited and honoured to write you my first report as our new, United Conservative MLA for Banff-Kananaskis. What a month it has been! Our United...
Updates from Division One It wasn’t a surprise to see snow over the Victoria Day long weekend as many of us are accustomed to it and it truly is a sign that...
A Look back at April: April “snow” showers hopefully bring May flowers! Last weekend’s snow event was most certainly eventful! I hope you were all safe...