April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month Nationally, distracted driving is the second biggest cause of traffic deaths in Canada. Inattentiveness behind the...
Tag - community
Thank you Priddis! Can you believe it’s April already! We wanted to let all of you know that our Board Members and Executive Director have been working hard...
Did you know? The Marigold Library has Radon detectors that you can borrow. Use your library card and go online to order like you do a book. Classes- Moms and...
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Millarville Anglican church house. Our next...
As this icy winter is hopefully approaching its end, the Millarville Mutts & Mustangs 4-H members challenged what is one of the most feared events- public...
Join us at Red Deer Lake United Church where we come together in community and explore God together Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. We are excited to share that...
Hello, Diamond Valley. What a lovely spring it’s been so far. It’s been so nice to sit outside and listen to the birds singing and feel the sun on your face...
The DCA Board regrets to announce that, after careful consideration, the De Winton Community Preschool (DCP) will be closing its doors following the completion...
Hello Priddis! We want to begin our February community update with a few thank-yous, congratulations and introductions. First, a massive thank you goes out to...
BCCA Inspiration often comes to us in the course of day to day life. It could be a quote you read, or an appreciation of nature, space, or natural wonder. We...