The PCA is excited to formally announce the resurfacing of our tennis courts and practice court, summer of 2024! After some hard work, we were fortunate enough...
Tag - community
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Millarville Anglican Church House. Our Annual...
Did you know? There are over 3 million items available to borrow on Included in this are hiking poles for your next hike with your dad! In the...
Join us at Red Deer Lake United Church where we come together in community and explore God together Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. We are excited to share that...
Hello, Diamond Valley. It’s been a different spring this year, with wind and rain, snow, and sun. The first day of summer is officially June 20, let’s hope for...
WE HAVE A LOT HAPPENING AT THE HALL The De Winton Community Association (DCA) owns a large hall where we host many events aimed at promoting community spirit...
BCCA When you look through the eyes of children, a whole new world opens up. Suddenly what is old is new again and a Typical Tuesday can instead become a...
Campgrounds across our response area are reopening and seasonal ATV use is once again permitted. All-terrain vehicles are an important part of outdoor life for...
Hello Priddis! With Spring having arrived, things are really picking up in our beautiful community. Below you will find some of our upcoming programs and...
Millarville Stockland 4-H Beef club was off to a great start in October! Weigh-in was held on October 28, 2023, at Black Diamond land & Co. Thanks to Black...