We often get asked, “when should I call 9-1-1?” Here’s some tips: When should you call 9-1-1?Call 9-1-1 immediately if you experience: Severe difficulty...
Tag - community
Hello Priddis! For many, September brings a return to routine and the same is true for your Priddis Community Association Board. After a summer break, we are...
The Square Butte Hall kicked off its official new start with a grand re-opening celebration on August 15th. People were excited to get a first-hand look at the...
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Millarville Anglican Church House on Hwy 549...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well, the first official day of autumn this year is September 22. It’s been a great summer, with some spectacular lightning and thunder...
BRAGG CREEK COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION They will be there. A leap of faith maybe, but a leap grounded in solid evidence of times gone by. When the need arises for...
Join us at Red Deer Lake United Church where we come together in community and explore God together Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. We are excited to share that...
Hello and Happy Summer, Priddis! We wanted to give you a brief update about what is going on around the hamlet this month. Be sure to follow us on social media...
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Millarville Anglican Church House on Hwy 549...
From adversity to triumph….after an unfortunate freeze up in January the Square Butte Hall has undergone an EXTENSIVE RENOVATION and is now ready to re...