Wildfire Season Is Here! We make our homes in the beautiful forest, and hot weather teamed with dry conditions and high winds are priming us for another...
Tag - community
Fire Hazard Signs Lately we have had quite a few questions from citizens who find our local Fire Hazard signs confusing, so we thought we would try to clarify...
Happy Father’s Day! With the current AHS restrictions, the Priddis Community Hall is closed until further notice. Please respect the current COVID-19...
Hello Diamond Valley. This may be our new name if our two towns combine. Amalgamation is still in the process of figuring things out, as we all know...
The SBSH Online Spring Auction was a huge success. We raised $10,686, well above our initial goal. SBCA want to thank all our donors and the enthusiastic...
Do you have bookkeeping experience? We need you! We currently do not have a Treasurer and we really NEED one. Please consider joining our volunteer Board of...
Here we are at the last month of the school year and sadly nothing much has changed. As of writing we are still in lockdown, with curbside pick-up only on...
Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Update (SR1) The National Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) hearing concluded on April 7, 2021. The hearing was a 12 day...
Spring Time? It’s that time again of mixed emotions: you feel it’s spring one day then… well… you know. It kind of feels like that has been life...
Bragg Creek Centre Hello Creekers! This month we will be rolling out some new workshops such as Keeping Backyard Chickens, Patio Pot Design, Vermicomposting...