As we prepare to enter the Christmas Season, still in the grips of the COVID-19 crisis, we are reminded of the many blessings we received during the last 18...
Tag - community
It’s Time to Renew Your DCA Membership Hello Friends: With the fall season comes a new Membership Year for the De Winton Community Association. For those...
HELLO DIAMOND VALLEY Hello, Diamond Valley. Well, we have had a pretty mild winter so far at the time of writing, a light skiff of snow on November 15, and...
Taking personal responsibility for reducing wildfire risk is gaining traction in the Greater Bragg Creek area. Drive down any road in our community and you’ll...
One of the most common calls for service Redwood Meadows Emergency Services receives is for traumatic injuries. Traumatic injury is damage to the body caused...
Hello Creekers! November is a month to reflect and remember. We honour those who have given their lives serving Canadians and helping people of other nations...
The Little Schoolhouse has been bustling with lots of fun and learning. Our preschool and kindergarten classes have been finding the routines of the classroom...
REMEMBERANCE DAY NOV 11THA time to give thanks and reflect on those who gave so much for us! Priddis 2021 AGM:Prize Giveaways! Join our Board! All community...
“Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month September to May, usually at 7:30 p.m. Due to COVID-19 restrictions however, we have been holding Zoom...
Well, we almost got through Thanksgiving without the onset of winter. It is a little depressing to realize that we are still in the midst of a pandemic and...