Canada Day Breakfast We had wonderful attendance this year for our 41st annual Canada Day Breakfast, with well over 400 joining us. On Friday night our set-up...
Tag - community
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Millarville Anglican church house. The next...
Happy August! Feels like we are really into summer, with sun, hail, and tornadoes. But our pretty little Hall is still standing and looking great after a...
ON THE EDGE SEASON TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE If you love music and a bang for your buck, Red Deer Lake United Church’s On the Edge Concert Series is your best bet...
What a gorgeous summer it’s been so far, mixed in with some good thunderstorms and smoke in the air. It’s also Music Festival Time and I am excited to attend a...
COUNTY INVITES RESIDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN BUDGET ENGAGEMENT Every year, Rocky View County budgets, plans, and invests for the future based on resident needs...
BCCA Everyone loves a Parade! Come on out and enjoy Bragg Creek Days July 22nd. Bragg Creek Days – Saturday, July 22nd A special Thank You to Dave Rupert...
Whether camping, partying or just relaxing in your RV, fire safety is essential. It’s critical that every member of your party know what to do in an emergency...
Summer has arrived at the Millarville Community Library and our Summer programs for kids have begun. Drop-in reading challenges, story walks and more will be...
Thank you to the plant donors and the plant purchasers at the annual plant sale. It was held on June 1. As usual the sale was over in 30 minutes with many full...