When The Church Goes To Us It is a double edged sword that it tends to be almost second nature to be introverted out in these quiet neighbourhoods of forest...
Tag - church
We are Red Deer Lake United Church, an inclusive and affirming community of faith – people of all ages, perspectives, and stories, who gather to connect with...
Timing Pains Timing is hard, and sometimes we don’t get it right. I’m looking at the weather report and realizing the first snow of Fall is coming and could be...
We are an inclusive community of works-in-progress who want to participate in Something Bigger Than Ourselves through faith, love, grace, and compassion. We...
Fall Forward Hey all, while writing this I’m sitting here on yet another overcast, gloomy day, which seems to have been the whole summer. This actually leads...
We are an inclusive community of works-in-progress who want to participate in Something Bigger Than Ourselves through faith, love, grace, and compassion. We...
We are an inclusive community of works-in-progress who want to participate in Something Bigger Than Ourselves through faith, love, grace, and compassion. We...
The Annual Flower Festival at Christ Church Millarville, will be held this year on Saturday, July 13 and Sunday, July 14th. The strawberry jam has been made...
We are an inclusive community of works-in-progress who want to participate in Something Bigger Than Ourselves through faith, love, grace, and compassion. We...