Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

Square Butte Community – May 2022

We are back in operation after 2 years of COVID. The board has been working diligently throughout the winter to update our bylaws that will be put to a vote on April 28th.

The SBCA have added some new members to our board. We are happy to welcome: Becky Wiens – Secretary, Kerry Pawchuck – building manager, and Katie Wilchak. We still need 2 more board members. It is a fun rewarding group to work with so we encourage you to help out in any way you can. Keith and Beverly Walters are leaving our group. They both have been instrumental in seeing our hall regain its former beauty by spending hours and hours on grant applications, spearheading our major wall rebuild, upgrading services in the hall and accounting for every dime we spent. They will be missed in our community. We wish them all the best in their next adventure on Vancouver Island, maybe there will be more time for them to relax and enjoy.

We are having an online auction using the same company as last year. We are raising funds to upgrade and improve our facility and grounds. This is the link: Email Lisa Lloyd for information or to donate. We are looking for new items or experiences to add to our already extensive list. The auction kicks off May 7 to May 20, 2022. It is so fun and helps the community, “build back better”.

We have a landscape project called “Heritage Hill” at the north end of property to be completed this summer. We are preparing a specific site for family and wedding photo shoots. We are looking for heritage items to add to our collection. Call Mary Ann 403-931-2098.

Free breakfast, Western dances with live music, and plans to offer some family friendly events are coming soon. We are booking events and weddings!

Square Butte Ladies Group

Our little group finally had a “in person” meeting and what a treat it was! We got down to business and planned our yearly activities. Millarville Market dates are July 9, August 6, and September 10. We will have a large selection of baking and quilt raffle tickets at each market. The list of charities that we support was reviewed and the Ukrainian disaster relief was added. Helping locally for refugees coming here was the favored objective.

Since 1943 we welcome ladies of any age to join our group. For further information call Jill Fry 403-931-3420.

Heritage Moment

While attending a 46th Birthday Party for SBCA President Clayton, at Hard Knox Brewery I met up with Rick Silvester and his wife Lauren who have retired from ranching in Saskatchewan. It was so fun to reminisce with Rick. His Grandfather Ernest Silvester & wife Alice came to the Square Butte area (Kew district) in 1910 where they homesteaded very close to where Rick has now settled. There were 13 children in the family, all born while living on the homestead or in the tent they lived in at Glenbow Quarry where Ernie worked. With hard work, off farm jobs, big gardens, milk cows, wild berries, fish and wild game they were able to survive and flourish. Most of the neighbors experienced the same conditions. When the Square Butte School was built out of logs in 1922, 3 of the older Silvester children attended. Subsequently all of the 13 children received their education at Square Butte School.

While talking old times, Rick remembers the visits to Alex Lyall’s home where they had the first coloured TV that he had ever seen. The program they watched was “Bewitched”. It is strange what we remember while growing up.

He recalls going to the SB Hall where Alex would have a slide show on their most recent road trip to the United States. This was a yearly event as Alex was able to afford a road trip as he worked for Home Oil and could afford a new car periodically and vacations. Alex also filmed many of the local gymkhanas that were held at Ivor Lysters . These films were then shown at the Hall. We loved them as Alex would wind the film backwards and the rider would jump back on after being thrown from his steer. Life was simpler then!

Submitted by Mary Ann Watson

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