As the Fall is fast approaching, many of you may be wondering what is happening with programming at the library. As you will see from the double fold-out in this edition of the High Country News, there will be programs available at the library, but with many changes. COVID-19 has forced us to change the way we deliver our courses and events. The first thing you will notice is that we are running fewer programs, which explains why there are two pages and not four! This is because we need more space for some groups to spread out to accommodate physical distancing requirements. Some facilitators have limited the number of attendees for this same reason. To make up for this there are extra sessions of some programs. Natured Kids now offers two sessions at 12:15 and 1:30 on Wednesdays. PD Day movies are now screened at 10:30 am and 2:00 pm. Other programs have been postponed until January or later, depending on recommendations from health officials. We are hopeful that many of these programs will be available again in our Winter/Spring session. We are also living with the reality that there could be last minute cancellations, so we ask that you check the website or Facebook page for any updates. We will try and contact attendees if we do find ourselves in that situation. To register for any program, please call the library at 403-933-3278.
One program that we have been able to consistently offer is the Ramblers. Since this takes place in the outdoors, the Ramblers were able to get going as soon as Alberta opened provincial parks to visitors. There are several facilitators who offer hikes or walks with varying degrees of difficulty. This might be the time to put on your hiking boots and make the most of it before the snow comes.
As there are fewer spaces available, some room rentals may not be possible. If you were planning to rent a space for a meeting or event, please call Jan to see if you can still be accommodated.
As we have to disinfect more equipment and objects in the library, we ask that you bring whatever you need for the program you are attending – mats, blankets, pens, paper, instruments, e-readers, water bottles etc. This will lessen the amount of wiping down for the staff. Some items are no longer available for use such as the cushions in the children’s area and board games. The drinking fountain is off limits at this time.
Sadly, we had to cancel the Out Loud Series in October. We have run this series since 2012 in celebration of Canadian Library Month and it has always been a highlight of our year. Some of our chosen performers/ speakers were coming from afar and travel was not an option for them. Next to not being able to visit my new grandson in Ontario, cancelling Out Loud has been the low point during this pandemic.
We ask everyone to be mindful when they are attending a program in the library. We encourage wearing masks (free masks are available at the library), using hand sanitizer and regular hand washing. Please practice physical distancing as much as possible. This will make it possible to keep programming alive at the library.