Roche Herbst
Health Lifestyle

Roché Herbst – M.A.R. Psych – Mar 2020

ADHD and Emotions

The Missing Piece

Problems with emotion are not explicitly included in the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. However, positive or negative emotions, especially emotional impulsiveness play a critical role.

What Are Some Emotional Experiences?

The things one gets drawn to are the things you are interested in. On the other hand, you may be interested in something simply because if you don’t take care of it now, then something very unpleasant may happen. The ability to set aside one thing and get started on another thing in order to get to something else, involve a lot of emotions.

How often have you heard “I’m bored” or “This is so boring” whether it is getting homework done or having to fill out forms? The things you remember usually involves interest, worry, excitement, anger or disappointment. Sometimes people can just tell what triggers you by the way you react to things, your tone of voice, or facial expressions. Emotions determine the kind of decisions you will take, what you care about, and what situations to stay out of.

Are People With ADHD More Emotional?

Those with ADHD have the same emotions as everybody else. ADHD sparks intense emotions. You may find it hard to recognize, respond or to manage your emotions. Challenges with processing emotions start in the brain itself. “Sometimes the working memory impairments of ADHD allow a momentary emotion to become too strong, flooding the brain with one intense emotion” (Brown, 2015).

Emotions enter your thoughts and then the process of remunerating begins. It gobbles up all the space in your mind. It could interfere with your ability to concentrate and function properly. A typical day at work can be hard to get through if your day had a really bad start i.e. a fight with your partner at breakfast, excessive frustration or being easily upset.

Is It Moodiness Or ADHD?

There is a broad spectrum of mood disorders that can co-exist with ADHD i.e. anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc. During a professional assessment, one has to be mindful of the complexity and degrees of severity here.

Does ADHD Medication Numb Your Emotions?

When on the right medication, you do have a chance to think twice before bursting into tears or losing your head. In cases where your anxiety is primary to your ADHD, stimulant medication may exacerbate the anxiety until it is under control. However, medication should always be taken in consideration with your physician, and tailored to your unique situation.

What Can I Do?

  • Become aware. Recognize when your emotions are intense.
  • Practice self-care. Know your emotional needs. Do you feel better talking to a supportive friend? Go for a walk? Write, draw or paint what you are feeling?
  • Put on the brakes.
  • Think about the bigger picture and the longer-term consequences.

Brown, Thomas, E., ADHD Comorbidities, 2015. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed., 2013. Arlington: American Psychiatric Association.

Roché Herbst
M.A.R. Psych

My practice location is from my home office in Bragg Creek Mondays and Wednesdays 10am-5pm; Calgary office Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-4pm. Call or text me on (403) 510-9984 or email:

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