Priddis News
Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

Priddis News – Jun 2022

Stampede Breakfast:

Stampede breakfast is back for 2022! Sunday, July 17th. Please reach out to if you are able to volunteer to help run this amazing event.

Hall Rental Director:

The Priddis Community Association is looking for a Hall Rentals Director. Tasks include coordinating with various stakeholders and corresponding with potential renters. Majority of this position can be completed from the comfort of your own home. If you have ~3 hours/week to volunteer for your community, please email


We are very excited to introduce Communal, an online booking platform, to the Priddis Community. Communal will manage our memberships, hall rental bookings, program registration, and event ticket sales. If you haven’t had the chance to activate your 2022 membership, please visit:, and navigate to the memberships tab.

Priddis Garage Sale:

Due to Covid, the garage sale was cancelled the last 3 years. Volunteers worked diligently on Thursday and Friday to get everything set-up for the sale. On Saturday morning, May 7th people lined up in the parking lot at the Priddis Hall waiting for the sale to start! With all the generous donations from the community and customers finding their treasures, we took in $2,800 minus expenses. Your donations were very much appreciated. A big thank you to Arlene Jelfs for organizing this event again. Here is her list of helpers: Carole M, Debbie B, Susie B, Judy B, Sonya M, Barb W, F & J Blatz, Rita and Jeremy B., April, Austin, Rayleen &Stan P, Sue & Paul W, and the Ackerman and Runge families with 4H. Thanks to the Heinen family for running the concession, which included home baked goodies.

We are all looking forward to the Annual Garage Sale again next year!

Casino for PCA:

Our Casino took place on May 17 & 18 at Ace Casino, Calgary. The Priddis Community Association would like to thank the many volunteers (approximately 30 people) it took to make this casino happen for us. Without your valued time and efforts, we would not have access to these much needed funds to keep the Priddis Hall in operation. A special thanks goes to Carmen & Wayne Heinen for doing an excellent job as volunteer coordinators.

Summer Camps:

The PCA is beginning to coordinate youth summer camps. It is our hope that we will offer at least two weeks of multisport day camps. If you or someone you know would like to facilitate these camps in conjunction with the PCA, please reach out to Casey,, with your interest. Parents, stay tuned to our social media accounts for information on dates and registration.

Priddis Early Learning Program – PELP:

Our fundraiser is ongoing: Mabel’s Labels – order your very own personalized holiday labels and stamps. Once on the website, click “support a fundraiser” and select Priddis Early Learning Program (Foothills). Website:

Please email our program director for more information:

Membership Renewal 2022:

Purchase your PCA Membership for the 2022 season. Please complete the membership form found on our website under Memberships. Payment can be made by e-transfer to: In the description on your e-transfer, please state your name and which type of membership you are purchasing, e.g., Family, Business etc. Paper copies of the form are available at the Priddis Store. If paying by cheque, mail your cheque and completed form to the PCA at the address on the bottom of the form.

Own your own business? Purchase a membership and receive the added perk of free advertising on our social media pages twice a year. NOTE: Everyone should have a Priddis Community Membership when participating in events at the Hall and using PCA facilities.

Priddis Library:

The Priddis Library, located in the old schoolhouse, is open Tuesday and Thursdays from 3:00-5:00, and now every Saturday, 10:00am to noon. We are part of the Marigold Library System. Incoming books are quarantined for 72 hrs. Your donations are appreciated but we will not accept encyclopedias, textbooks, older cookbooks, readers digest condensed books, or any books more than 20 years old. Currently volunteering at the library are Arlene, Carole, Sonya, Barb. Thanks ladies, for volunteering your time to keep the library operational for the community.

Booking the Hall:

We are taking bookings for the Hall for 2022. If we are unable to honour your contract due to COVID-19, your deposit will be returned. For your convenience, we are now able to take deposits and make payments online. To view or book the Hall, contact the Hall Rental Director at Check our website for availability, pricing, and updates.

Staying Connected

Did you know that along with The Priddis Community Association’s webpage we have an Instagram account and a few local Facebook pages to keep the community connected? These are great resources for seeing what is going on in the community, asking questions, finding out about local businesses and so much more. Be sure to check out the following Facebook groups:

Support Local Business

Support Local Business