Kat Dancer - Out of the Rut

Out Of The Rut – Kat Dancer – Oct 2019

Chapter 109

I’m still finding myself caught out by fantastical nature and the turning of the seasons. After so many years, you’d think I would be up to speed, but still…

Last week on a beautiful sunny afternoon, I marvelled at the sudden emergence of golden leaves. These first visible heralds of Autumnal changes swift on the heels of a few cold nights we had interspersed between 30+ degree evenings are Winter’s scouts, sent out far, far ahead of the vanguard to dip a toe in the waters of summer. We are warned of the imminent arrival of the main forces of Winter… the slow, steady march across the distant metaphysical prairies of the summer months, they will be circling our wagons, preparing another siege to wear away our defences.

But no! We shall not crumble under the persistent presence of a pernicious parkiness that produces such endlessly varied joys as crystal-crumbled mornings and brilliant sun- dogs dancing parallel to a blinding winter sun.

Meanwhile, as I write, Summer waltzes gently between the branches, drifting lazily south across the rolling foothills, she drags her skirts across the surface of the land, rolling giant hay bales and random stacks of wood into erratics that dot the landscape. Her lingering touch still echoes across the playing fields, the woodlands, the walkways. Berries are taking the place of petals, but one brilliantly golden arnica rises majestically across the pond from me. I watch this indomitable flower each evening as the light begins to change. Her golden face becomes a deeper, richer hue as the sun descends and her newly bloomed cohorts at either shoulder balance her brilliance beautifully.

A few weeks ago, while caring for a house and animals just on the western edge of Calgary, I took myself for a walk beyond the walls of the subdivision. Walking around the wall I was suddenly spat out into glorious nature. An orange plastic barrier with a warning sign greeted me, but beyond that… just more nature. I ignored the warning & walked onward… descending between banks pulsating with the whirr and hum of a summer’s day, picking my way among thistles, wild roses, plantain, waist-high grasses and the beating thrum of the sun’s mid-afternoon pulse across my shoulders. Thirst made itself known and just as this recognition entered my head I stopped in my tracks, immobilized by the sudden sweetness of nectar in the air. I turned to my left and reached out to take the handful of Saskatoon berries so conveniently positioned for me. There were two small trees, just hanging out waiting for someone with a thirst to walk by.

Beyond the Saskatoons I followed the curve of the land deep down into a narrow valley where cool water ran. I nearly fell over a moose as I stopped to adjust my footwear, balancing on one foot in soft mud, athletically attempting to avoid collapse. My wobbly waving back and forth finally caught the eye of the moose, however, we had sufficient undergrowth between us so neither of us needed be too alarmed. Interesting to come across this great creature when the exit from the subdivision had been so marked… almost as though the 1.4 million people just to my right had erected this wall expressly to prevent the incursion of such animals into the pristine concrete labyrinth that is the city.

There are plans afoot to build yet more and more houses for families that do not exist. There are subdivisions and properties on the market all around the city of Calgary, through Rocky View and Foothills that in some cases have been for sale for the past twenty five years.

It is imperative that we take advantage of our position as residents and intelligent folk to give some sensible opinions to those in power — we are not all about money and there is no such thing as a permanently growing economy.

What we do need, without any doubt whatsoever, is the preservation of our wilderness areas and farmland. The preservation of a Green Belt around Calgary is absolutely vital. The last thing needed here — and exactly what we are heading toward right now — is a mad sprawl of tarmac and concrete like the Los Angeles valley.

Rocky View Municipal Development Plan needs your input: www.surveymonkey.com/r/RVC_MDP_Stage1

With gratitude and love,

Kat Dancer
415.525.2630, ph/txt/wtsp

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