Kat Dancer - Out of the Rut

Out Of The Rut – Kat Dancer – Aug 2019

Chapter 107

I wonder intermittently, who you are and what in all the multiverse you think if you are brave enough to wade through this column. My monkey mind spots a butterfly and next seconds we’re off to marvel at another of nature’s magnificences. I like to think that you wander along with me and we can exchange the odd look of awe and point out things that make us smile.

In recent days every time I look up the sky is performing the most astounding works of artistic interpretation for us. I have had occasion to drive in and out of Calgary several times and each time we head back out west, the clouds are funneling up from the mountains, exploding north and south in a great V-shape. A looming nebulous mass high above us droops pendulous dark curves tinged ominous green, suggestive of intense downpour and potential hail.

So far no hail. We are thankful. So much glory in the crisp white edges of bubbling nimbus columns rising endlessly higher. Such magnetic fascination in the accented contrast of pure white cloud against a dark grey distant formation, the roiling edges that curve with silvery glimmers, the feathery lace of cirrostratus high, high above us. My neck aches from looking up so much.

Then there is the endless sweep of green we are blessed with this summer. So much rain falling, it’s bound to cause problems on one end and blessings on the other. We can see the beautiful thrust of growth that this hydration brings to the land. Late they may be, but the wild flowers, the Harebells, Brown-Eyed Susans, Vetch, Roses, Blue-eyed Grasses, Western Wood Lilies, and so many more are happily dotting the landscape and brightening each view. Enjoy these lovelies and leave them where they stand.

Calgary Stampede Art Exhibition – yep, we went Stampeding! Each year, it’s a delight to cruise through the grounds with my parents on Seniors’ Day. We float through the entry gates unhindered and make our way to the first of the arenas. There we enjoy the entertaining and impressive demonstration of a bunch of ultra-focused stock dogs attempting – with the aid of their occasionally useful human companions – to herd three recalcitrant sheep around a course and into a small pen.

Having exhausted our bottoms’ capacity for sitting on very hard seats, we migrate deeper into the heart of the Stampede grounds in search of the Art Exhibition. This great room consumes the rest of our day as we glide from one display to another, comparing likes and dislikes, peering into the creases and crevices of certain constructs

to determine the mechanics of construction. I sat with a fabric artist for a moment and watched as she showed others how to construct small animals from formless lumps of felt. Talking with the artists is often fun, some are more approachable than others and, as with the work on display, some appeal to us more than others. There are such huge ranges of talent, ideas, techniques and media, it’s inspiring.

I caught sight or hearing of one guy talking to an artist and my inner senses went into some sort of mild dance saying “we know that man”. I turned and looked back, then gently inserted myself into the conversation with an apology and turning to the man in question, rested my hand on his arm, enquiring, “what is your name?” There was a split second where I could see the internal dialogue who the hell is this crazy woman? Then the recognition penny dropped – he gave me his name and I immediately breathed again, relieved I was right. We used to work together, haven’t seen each other in probably over 15 years. How funny it is to meet up with people like this.

Back in the swirling river of people moving throughout the grounds, we found ourselves spat out onto the hot tarmac of the sidewalk beyond the gates, passing a couple of enthusiastic buskers before the train tracks, we made our way west once more to greet the rising clouds.

With gratitude and love,

Kat Dancer
415 525 2630

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