Local business and municipal leaders from the areas of Banff, Canmore, and Bragg Creek gathered to discuss the subject of reducing bureaucratic red tape to the listening ears of local MLA Miranda Rosin, and visiting MLA Jackie Lovely from Camrose (both pictured, right).
The UCP government campaigned on the promise to reduce government red tape by 30%. Showing their commitment to this promise, local MLA’s are engaging community leaders to share what they believe are the major hurdles facing them.
Those participating came ready with a wide breadth of issues where they see government processes hindering forward progress. Both MLA’s expressed their appreciation for the willingness of these leaders to take time from their schedules and engage in the conversation. “This is a first step in the government’s commitment to this goal”, expressed Miranda. If you would like to participate in this conversation go to www.alberta.ca/cut-red-tape.aspx.
Lowell Harder,