Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

Millarville Stockland 4-H Club News – Feb 2024

As we come closer to the midway point of the 4-H year, we are fully into the routine of the Millarville Mutts and Mustangs (MMM) 4-H Club. Members attend monthly meetings with the whole club and separate into approximately bi-monthly project trainings. MMM is a multi-club that meets at the Millarville Racetrack and Agricultural Society and currently has 47 members in one or more of the four projects. Our projects include horse, canine, archery, and sewing.

In the horse project, the members participate in monthly horsemanship rides under the instruction of Danielle Bartlett, where they learn and perfect their general riding skills and control of their mount. Their second monthly ride consists of either a fun ride or a clinic. Their December clinic was on polocrosse (a blend of lacrosse and polo) which was led by Kathy McAteer and other members from the Okotoks Polocrosse Club.

Canine members meet to work with their dog in obedience and agility training, under the instruction of a prior 4H member, Cassidy Barnert.

In archery we usually meet twice a month to practice our shooting at distances of 5, 10, 15, and 18 meters. Jan 3rd, we had the opportunity to travel into Archery World in Calgary and receive some additional training from Bill, one of their instructors.

Unlike the other projects, sewing meets at the Priddis Hall where they learn new patterns and complete individual and group sewing projects.

Club members have other requirements as well, such as public speaking or presentations, fundraising, and community service activities. You may have run into some of our club members when they were volunteering for the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign or delivering hamper packages during the Christmas holiday season. We also have many additional opportunities to get together for fun and learning with our club or other clubs in the district.

Our members are now preparing for public speaking in February. We will continue to train in our projects until we can show them off in the year finally at 4-H On-Parade.

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