Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Millarville Anglican Church House.
Our Annual Plant Sale happened on Thursday May 30 at the Millarville Racetrack Quonset. The sale was over quickly . Thank you to Jill Dakers and her crew of volunteers for a successful sale. Well done and thank you.
The beautiful planters at the Millarville racetrack are planted, maintained and watered by Patty webb and her small army of volunteers. You are awesome and appreciated!
The Millarville Anglican Church hosts the Flower festival July 13 and 14. Horticultural club members are asked to bring flowers on July 12 by 6 pm and to help decorate the grounds. It is always a fantastic show .
The Priddis and Millarville Fair is happening this year on August 17 and 18. The fair book is available online on the MRAS website. Start your planning of entries now!
If you are interested in attending any of our presentations, please contact Louise Patterson Bruns ( our new president ) at or at
Whether you are a novice or expert in landscaping or gardening, join our club; $15/year for singles or $20/year for a family. Check us out on Facebook as well
Millarville Horticultural Club