Did you know?
In the entrance to the library there are shelves of books for sale. They sell for $1 per paperback, for $5 you can purchase 10 books or bring your own bag and fill it for $10!! So, if you are heading out on a trip it’s a great place to get a book that you don’t need to bring home.
In early June the library will have prep classes for the Millarville Fair. The classes will explain the different categories students might want to enter and help them to better prepare their exhibits. Watch the Millarville Library Facebook page and Instagram for upcoming dates.
Would you?
Consider volunteering at the library? If you have 3 hours a week or once every other week please consider spending it in a peaceful environment meeting a few neighbours as they check out books. A simple training session is all that is needed to get you started. Contact Natasha at the library or drop in and leave your name at the desk. Volunteers are what help to keep our doors open throughout the week.
Need a Read?
Mount Assiniboine the Story by Chic Scott. “Incredibly well researched. Best interpretation of early climbs in the Assiniboine area.” Gene Blakley, Millarville.