
MAKE YOUR MARK – Mark Kamachi – Sep 2024

Try Something Unexpected

Last month I saved gallons of ink by using a QR code to grab your attention. And I saved you from having to read my dribble. You’re welcome.

By using a QR code in place of my printed article, redirecting readers to my YouTube (YT) video channel, I was able to introduce my brand in a way, far from what was my norm each month. Whether you were a first-time reader or a regular follower, I threw you a curve. Something unexpected. And in doing so, I hope I made you rethink how you could attract attention to your brand.

Anyway, I’m sure Lowell Harder, the editor/publisher of this wonderful publication was taken aback as he could have used the vacant space left by my QR code to squeeze in an extra ad and make more dough. Sorry Lowell. The whitespace was an intentional design tactic. The QR code, the proverbial dot on a blank page.

While it was a risk, it was calculated. By doing something unexpected, you attract attention. Humans are creatures of habit. We grow accustomed to repetition. However, the mundane can easily be ignored at times. So, when it comes to your advertising, consider pinging while others are ponging. It’ll be good for business.

The reaction to the article from folks was overwhelming. I saw an uptick in visits to my YT channel, specifically to the article. I also had folks visit other videos I had posted in the past. I even grew my audience which was unexpected as Baby Boomers are least likely to engage in social media activity. However, those that did, I gather, were folks who knew and were familiar with me and my antics as well as AdMaki’s work. I even had a friend approach me in the parking lot at my golf club and she told me she had referred the article to her friends and colleagues. Thanks Barb. More followers (aka customers) to come, perhaps? Fingers crossed.

When I taught advertising-design at Alberta University of the Arts, the one message I always stressed to my students was to create work that stirred emotions. Do something memorable and unexpected. Start conversations. But make sure it’s relevant to your brand. However, creating something memorable for the sake of attention without regards to your brand personality is not what I’m preaching. Otherwise, for the sake of getting attention, I’d tell clients to run naked through their local shopping mall.

When it comes to nailing it on the head, think Red Bull. Their “cartoon/comic” style ads are recognizable in print and on television. However, in 2012 they staged a live, televised stunt where daredevil, Felix Baumgartner, skydived from 128,000 feet! That’s almost outer space! From his leap to the second his feet hit Mother Earth, you were pumped with adrenaline. Red Bull earned their “Red Bull gives you wings” motto. A promise that their energy drink gives you the energy to push your limits (scan the code to see the stunt). Enjoy.

Until next month, my advice to businesses is to be fresh, unexpected, and memorable. But stay true to your brand.

See you at Oktoberfest, mark.

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