Happy year of the ssssssnake!
After many years, four in fact, of spewing my much sought after wisdom in this publication (Ha Ha Ha), it seems not everyone reads them. I’m cool with that. My ego can take it. However, not everyone’s a business owner who needs an education on effective content creation. But for those of you who do, I thought I’d go back to the basics. I’m talking about advertising-design (AD) basics.
The reason for this article is to convey, after a few meetings recently with potential new clients, how little many folks, especially those who are about to or have thrown $$$$$ into start-ups, personal dreams, etc, are taking unnecessary risks by not educating themselves on the importance of creative in their brand marketing.
For first timers reading my dribble, I am qualified to preach on this topic. You can visit admaki.ca or adsamurai.com for proof.
While many of my colleagues have put away their Sharpies, I’ll continue to stay relevant until my Sharpie runs dry.
When it comes to staying on top of what’s happening in and around the creative profession, I consciously immerse myself in content creation 24/7. Most folks go about their lives unaware as to how AD touches their lives and how it steers their decision- making choices. Here’s a brief rundown on how AD impacts day-to-day life.
AD impacts our perceptions, behaviors, and even emotions continually. From the second you get up to when you nod off, AD is in your face. Colour, typography, and imagery (illustration/photography) gets into your noggin, inciting psychological triggers in everything to influence how we react about a product, service, or idea. We mustn’t forget sounds and smells as well. Successful creative content is carefully crafted for packaging, television or radio, websites, print ads, social media posts, the list is almost endless, to appeal to our senses and tap into deep-seated desires (and fears) to cause an emotional response.
What creatives create is not about aesthetics. Creatives don’t pull sh*t out of their “brains” at random to generate ideas. Effective content creation lies in a ton of scientific research, data gathering, market research, personal experience, etc. Regardless of the message’s medium and how it is distributed, the final product is carefully crafted to speak to the target audience. The power of AD lies in its emotional appeal.
Beyond influencing individual choices, AD also plays a role in shaping societal trends and values. They help define what’s “in” and “out” in a constantly evolving marketplace. The more one is strategically exposed to a message, the more likely you’ll receive a positive response.
In today’s fast paced and hectic world, AD has become more personalized, targeting potential customers with tailored messages based on their browsing habits, demographics, and preferences. Their every step. That’s a good thing for brands. Annoying for some consumers. This increasing sophistication makes ads harder to ignore, deepening their impact on consumer behavior and decision-making. Ultimately, AD doesn’t just sell products, it shapes everything around us.
So the next time you spray on that perfume or pull out the driver, consider what made you make those purchases.
Keep it creative. cheers, mark.