Freedom to Read Week, February 23 to March 1 is a time to reflect and to be thankful that we in Canada are able to read what we want to. But we must be alert, knowledgeable and proactive to keep it this way. Books are not often banned in Canada, but some are challenged, as well as programs, room usage, displays and computer access.
The CBC’s,The Fifth Estate has uncovered a very frightening War ON Books in a small rural town in Alberta.Its council has defunded its library, claiming that the books and the programs it offers are harmful to the community. One of these programs is the GSA ( Gay Straight Alliance). It provides a safe place for the youth to meet and find support that many do not get at home. Many libraries have support groups for seniors and reading programs for preschool children.
We must protect our libraries and be proactive about the safety of our children. They, as we, must have the right to read. Libraries are more than just books. They are very special places that enrich a community in wonderful ways.
Lynda, our librarian, has a display of books that are challenged, which she will dismantle after the week is over. Books are not often banned in Canada, but there are starting to be more. Many are challenged and taken off the shelves, Challenged means there is an intent to ban them.
One of the books being challenged is the HOLY Bible. The reason for the censorship, “Offensive language”.
Sylvia Binkley –