Libraries play an essential role in our communities and serve as cultural centres, meeting places and workspaces. While public funding supports libraries, donations allow them to thrive and expand.Your gifts do make a difference and we appreciate them very much. Keep them coming!
On June 19th. at 1 p.m., Jennifer Mallow, Brain Health Councillor, will give a talk in the library on what dementia is and is not. Jennifer will explain the myths and facts about dementia and how to cope as a caregiver and as a patient. She would also like to get a feel for any needs concerning dementia in the community that could be addressed by her and her committee. Needs such as caregiver support, brain health, workshops and speaker series will be considered. So mark your calendar for this special event.
Readers will be sad to hear of the death of Alice Munro, Canada’s short story writer, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013 .She died at home in Port Hope, Ontario. She is one of my favourites. She struggled with dementia for 12 years.
New at the library is Next To You by Hannah Bonham Young, and The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese (large print).
Sylvia Binkley –