The seed exchange has been most successful. If you are fond of hollyhocks, there is a large coffee can chock full of their seeds in all colours. Come in and help yourselves. They are free!
There are still Spitzer Country Brunch Grass Band C.Ds left, and are on sale at the desk for $20.00
Our request for new items for our Library of Things has made possible a pair of binoculars from a kind donor in Okotoks. We thank you.
The story walks are happening now that the good weather is here. We hope families will make them a habit during the summer months. The first one is The Creation Story by Josie Letso Nelson of Eden Valley.
Oldies, but goodies have been ordered for the library, A Gentleman in Moscow, To Kill a Mocking Bird, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
A fascinating read is The Empress of the Nile by Lynne Olson (non-fiction). It is the remarkable story of a female archaeologist who led an International effort to save the Egyptian temples from flooding by the of the Aswan Dam. Christiane Desroches took on the Egyptians, the French, the English and the Americans to save the temples and their artifacts, raising unbelievable amounts of money to do so.
Sylvia Binkley –