Thank You to Karin hunter, president of the Springbank Community Association, for her update on the Springbank Reservoir Project (SR1) which was published in the August edition of the High Country News. It is an informative article and points out the fallacies of a hastily contrived solution – one purpose (flood mitigation for one community in Calgary).
Projects such as this are funded by all Alberta taxpayers, so we need to speak out for a solution that will protect as many communities as possible. Not only that, we need a solution that will help protect us against other impending risks such as drought and wildfires. An upstream solution such as MC1 also has the potential of providing a recreational legacy for now and future generations, most likely at less of a cost than SR1.
Many people have taken the time to submit letters asking the Government of Alberta to take a second common sense look at this costly project. We all count and deserve to be included, especially when several benefits for all can be derived from one project.
I want to personally thank the many people and businesses who have helped with this effort. You have done an amazing job!
Thank you,
Barb Teghtmeyer, Bragg Creek
The campaign is ongoing and information can be obtained by contacting