Veterans at Remembrance Day Ceremony in Bragg Creek.
Veterans at Remembrance Day Ceremony in Bragg Creek.
Letters To The Editor


A big thank you to all the participants of the Bragg Creek Remembrance Day Ceremony 2023. Being a small community and achieving such a great turn-out is inspiring and encouraging – it gives us Veterans the feeling of appreciation, honor, and pride to be part of this charming community.

It was joyful to see so many young people participating in the Ceremony! Thank you parents and grandparents to allow your children to participate – Thank you!

It is a special delight to have the Right Honorable Mr. & Mrs. Harper in our midst and actively participating in Bragg’s ceremony. Thank you, Sir, – Thank you, Ma’am.

No ceremony could take place without the volunteers that drive the event behind the scenes. Some of us are working, coordinating, and organizing weeks prior to November 11. Without the volunteers – it simply would not have happened!

A sincere and grateful thank-you – to the following persons (in no order) – for their dedication, time investments, effort, engagement, and support:

  • Pastor David Zimmerman from the Bragg Creek Community Church – who is always-always-always-always a part of it;
  • Mark Griffiths and Terry Handrahan for organizing, supporting so much from behind the scene;
  • The Auxiliary Ladies of Bragg Creek for putting together yummy-tasting snacks and hosting the reception following the ceremony (year-after-year-after-year!);
  • The Bragg Creek Community Center and the ever so helpful and supportive staff;
  • Wendy Feagan who helped organize and co-ordinate so much behind the scene with the Veterans-Food Bank; AND
  • Thank you to the local businesses for supporting the Poppy-fund by “selling” the Poppies and purchasing a Wreaths and supporting the Legion Poppy-Fund.

On behalf of the Bragg Creek Veterans – Thank y’all so much.

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back for the Remembrance Day Ceremony in 2024.

Be safe – be good! Lest We Forget!

M-J. (Mark) Nussbaumer – CD Sgt (ret)

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