
How is Your Mind Health? – Angela Wigand – Aug 2019

Sometimes, I Just Have To Laugh

I am sure everyone already knows that “Laughter is the best medicine.” But do you actually live your life with that in mind?

Today is just a fun reminder.

When you laugh, your body actually releases endorphins that make you “feel good.” This, in turn, helps to increase your pain threshold and relaxes you for close to an hour. The reduction in stress reduces the production of stress hormones and increases immune fighting antibodies.

That’s not all. The point is there is science around how good laughter is for your mind and body.

I want you to think about the last time that you laughed till you almost cried. Or almost peed your pants, as is the case for me. Whatever it is for you. I bet just sitting there thinking about it makes you smile.

I always have this when I am hanging out with my sisters. We can just be silly. It is usually just about life but they have this way of being that makes it OK to laugh about life and you can just let go. We can laugh so hard you can’t even talk.

It feels so good.

I am known for my big smile and very loud laugh. I LOVE laughing. I love looking for ways to make the tough times funny.

Think about your days. What you are doing? Who you are hanging out with? Do you laugh? Do you try and make others laugh? Are you looking for the funny in the world? You can find it if you look for it.

Your challenge for three days: note three times each day that you are laughing. Recognize how good it feels to play around and be funny. To make others laugh. And if it has been a while and you feel like laughing is a bit of a reach, no problem. Start with things that make you smile and work up to things that make you laugh.

Tell me about it.

Whether it is dancing in the grocery store aisle to embarrass your kids (my kids actually did this to me), singing loudly in the car with your family (I used to yell at my kids to sing louder), playing tricks with your pets, or playing outside in the rain, take note of how it makes you feel.

This is for the young and old.
Life can be serious and tough, so take a break.
Laugh often. Laugh loud. Laugh hard. It just feels better.

Angela Wigand, CPA
CEO & Life Coach
MindLogix Inc.,

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