Happy New Year, Diamond Valley! I hope everyone had a nice holiday and month of December. We had a fantastic turn out for Light-Up as the weather cooperated. Some snow and colder days were in our forecast as to be expected, let’s hope for a mild winter. And with the cost of living rising, here’s some ideas to get you out and about in our beautiful Foothills.
There is a free public skate at the Arenas in Black Diamond. This is on a first come first serve basis, and no pucks or sticks are allowed during the free skate. Check diamondvalley.town/ORA-Ice for the Oilfields Arena, and diamondvalley.town/SSSR-Ice for the Scott Seaman Arena’s reservation schedule. The ice is available until April 30. The free skate is sponsored by Pharmasave.
Also at the Arena is the Foothills Skating Club, for all ages of youth and children. They will be having a bottle drive on Saturday, January 4. If you are able and want to get rid of your Christmas stash of empties, please have them outside your residence by 10am. For full details on the Club and the various groups they have for skating, visit FoothillsFigureSkatingClub.ca. The Oilfields Arena is also home to the Oilfields Sports Association’s Hockey Program for all ages of youth, please visit their website for full details of the practices, games, and programs they have to offer at OSAPondHockey.com.
And finally at the Oilfields Arena, is the home of the Oilfields Curling Club. They are hosting their Ladies Bonspiel January 10-12. This is a fun bonspiel with door prizes, prizes for best costume, music, and food and drinks. Entry deadline is January 3 for teams to apply. The OCC has many different Leagues you could try out for, no experience is necessary. I curled a few years back and met some great locals and enjoyed the sport itself, except that my thigh muscles were a bit sore after the first day! But after a beer at the Oilfields Arena Pub upstairs afterwards I felt a bit better and I really recommend it if curling is something you have thought about trying. For more information on the Bonspiel and the various Leagues, visit occcurling.ca.
Free exercise anyone? Consider being a Snow Angel this season by helping someone shovel their walks who may be unable to do so without difficulty. Email the Town, drop by, or call the Town and see who in your neighbourhood might need a hand. Or you could look for the Snow Angel signs on neighbour’s property. And there are free exercise equipment outdoors by the Arena and the High School, gloves recommended for those cold hands.
Speaking of the High School, Oilfields High School Drama Department invites you their presentation of The Forgotten Tale of Cinderella. Tickets are only $5! The play runs January 14 and 15 from 7-8 pm, please email Pam at pracicp@fsd38.ab.ca for tickets.
Beneath the Arch Concert Series is a great way to save money on live concerts, right at our own Flare and Derrick Community Center in Turner Valley. Buy a season’s pass and you can save even more, a show is way way less expensive than to go to the city for a concert, and I have loved every show the Arch has put on. Their next concert is The Hello Darlins, who are a blend of country, gospel, and blues, led by Candace Lacina and world renowned keyboardist Mike Little. This show is scheduled for January 11, for tickets and more information all about Beneath the Arch, vist their website.

The Valley Neighbours Club in Turner Valley offers a plethora of classes, programs, and clubs at an extremely reasonable price. Come learn how to dance or just come for the dancing itself and meet others. The Dance program is held Wednesdays from 7-9, call Jeff at 403-369- 3996 for details, and drop by the VNC or visit their website for all the programs they have to offer, including Bingo on Friday afternoons, floor curling, cards, exercise, and much more.
The Griffiths Centre in Black Diamond hosts Coffee, Cookie, and Chat on Fridays from 9:30-11am. For $2 enjoy a cookie, free refills on coffee, and companionship. The Griffiths also offers a multitude of programs and classes, including exercise, support groups, music, crafts, cards, and more. For full details drop by the Centre on Government Road or visit their website at griffithscentre.ca.
Lastly, a reminder that our green bins for compost only go out every second week until March. The full schedule is listed on the Town’s website. And you can leave your live Christmas tree out by the bin, please make sure all tinsel etc. is off the tree, and they will pick it up and use them for mulch around our Town’s trees and walkways.
Here’s to a fantastic, prosperous, and peaceful 2025, and I hope everyone gets their fair share of sunshine and fresh air in our amazing Foothills.
Elaine Wansleeben