Arts & Entertainment


Thanksgiving is a time of year when we are grateful for much. The bounty of the harvest evokes visions of sitting around a table with family in fellowship and appreciation of all our earth has to offer. But it is more than that for a group of local artists and artisans known as Artworks.

Based in DeWinton and comprised of members living in or around the area, ArtWorks strives to present an annual fall show—usually on or about the Thanksgiving weekend—that offers something for everyone. Looking for that perfect painting to go above a couch or on a feature wall? Come and view our original pictorial representations of places and/or subjects dear to your heart. Looking for that unique piece of jewelry, pottery, or hand-woven clothing? Come and choose from the wide selection our artisans have to offer. Looking for a good book to read? We have a novelist there as well, whose entire book proceeds go to support mental health. At ArtWorks there is truly something for everyone.

The only criterion for entry to the show is a love and appreciation for local art. This year’s participating artists will include Angie Denovan, Ann Beswick, Connie Pike, David Kitler, Elizabeth Ellis-Bassett, Fran Porter, Helen and John Beamish, Jim Prescott, Kim Berlie, Lanhee Cho, Laura Guerin, Lisa Schwartz, and Linda Vowell. We’ll all be ready to welcome you at DeWinton Community Hall on Friday Oct. 7th 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Sat. Oct. 8th and Sun. Oct. 9th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Holiday Mon. Oct. 10th 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

We truly look forward to seeing you there!

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