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From the Editor

From The Editor – Sep 2024

Seasonal change has a significant impact on how we structure and define the rhythm of life. I personally enjoy seasonal change; each physical season brings its own unique attributes that we can enjoy. I enjoyed the summer, it could be a bit longer, but I look forward to fall. Just as I know I’ll enjoy the transition of fall to winter.

For myself, fall always signifies two things: back to school and harvest. As a teenager I never liked going back to school; it ended my ability to earn money from my summer job and hindered my recreational ambitions. I’ve learned as an adult that one never leaves the world of learning, and the seasonal transition of summer to fall is an excellent time to evaluate one’s ongoing personal and professional development. We can talk more about harvest next month.

There have been two areas of development that have intrigued me the past few years. One is observational. Recently I have been exposed to the writings of Tristan Gooley. He writes on being able to read the natural world around us to specifically understand navigation and weather.

Conscious and specific observation where we look for patterns of how things are relating and impacting each other has been an intriguing process. What before seemed random, unpredictable, and chaotic, is not. Our natural world is very consistent and predictable. We just need to understand it. As I’ve been observing these patterns and effects in the natural world, I’ve been seeing things in our societal world with new understandings and insights.

The other area of development is self- learning and awareness. This may sound a bit too introspective for some. In the process of my personal health recovery, I’ve had to re-learn activity, know my boundaries and limits, and yet challenge myself to what’s possible. I’ve also had to re-look at my values and what makes me unique. It’s been quite the road. When you discover who you are, accepting and allowing that to be released in your personal and professional life, the world around you will become a better place.

I trust that you will embrace the annual “back to school” season and allow the journey of life to instruct you. Our lives will be enriched by the new discoveries you learn and share.

Enjoy the remaining weeks of summer!

From my family to yours,
Lowell Harder

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