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From the Editor

From The Editor – Sep 2019

Here we are, “back to school”, and definitely feeling like fall.

As I talk to numerous people in the communities that I serve, I have observed and heard numerous people express concern at the overall pace of their life, and the feeling that things just really aren’t changing as they should. The question; “is this really worth doing?” plays in our heads.

It may be unresolved political issues, community infrastructure or the lack thereof, personal issues that just don’t seem to resolve, a lack of volunteers to help in the organization that you are a part of, or the lack of personal time and money.

This seeming lack of positive change, or seeing change moving in the wrong direction, can be an energy killer. It makes one feel like losing hope or just being really cynical towards life.

At the High Country News, we are looking to highlight the “good” news of the area, pointing you to the local events which will get you connected with other community members, the stories of hope and the small wins. These give us the hope for tomorrow that we will see a positive return for the investment of time and energy we have put into life.

There is an old statement “do not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we don’t grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” I think we need to remind ourselves of this. Let’s not grow weary of investing our lives into the betterment of those around us…

From our family to yours,
Lowell Harder

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