From the Editor

From The Editor – Mar 2025

Becoming Communities of Hope

I recently read a survey conducted by Gallop research that 56% of people are looking for leaders to inspire hope, followed by trust at 33%.

The above survey result is both inspiring and sobering. Hope and trust represent 89% of what people are looking for in leadership. When we think of our circles of friendships, associations, and customers, the list of people is quite large. Our position of influence is often much larger than we realize. How will we use our voice? We often use it selfishly to gain more business and attention for ourselves, to make ourselves look good, or put another person in their place.

Every post, every comment to a co-worker, even our silence, are all defining moments of truth about ourselves, influencing those impacted by our words (spoken and unspoken). When looking circumstantially around us, it’s easy to communicate negativity. We can be like the old proverb that states “A fool’s vexation is known at once”.

We can define ourselves with words and actions that inspire others to see truth, beauty and goodness in our present place. We can encourage people that they can face tomorrow, even with the overwhelming situations they may be facing.

I have appreciated that the contributors of this paper have caught this vision. Writing from their expertise, experience, and failures, they have endeavoured to write words that inspire, give hope, and help the people around them. It’s noticed and appreciated!

I trust you will enjoy this month’s edition of the High Country News.

From my family to yours,
Lowell Harder

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