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From the Editor

From The Editor – Feb 2023

In my early 30’s I was introduced to the business philosopher, Jim Rhone. One of his audio CD’s that I enjoyed listening to was entitled “Setting the Sail”. We can’t really change the external circumstances that are thrust upon us. We can choose our response. On the 25th I had the privilege to listen and take part in a presentation by Rob Roach, Deputy Chief Economist and Managing Director from ATB Financial, entitled “Weathering the Storm”. Despite the economic storm that we’re experiencing, he communicated a spirit of optimism. He highlighted the tools and “Albertan culture” that we have at our disposal. One of his slides was a picture of the ocean entitled “Same Sea, Different Boat”. We need to look at our boat with a fresh lens to see all that we have at our disposal to deal with the challenges we face. This fresh perspective enables us to creative solutions that will enhance our lives and communities to thrive.

Our front cover features a weathered tree having stood the test of time. If we pause to study and reflect on the tree, its rugged beauty will give us a valuable life lesson. It has firmly rooted itself so that in the numerous storms it has experienced, it has been shaped by the forces thrust upon it. Some things have had to die, but it remains upright. In one sense, we can look and say, “we can make it too”.

Despite the challenges you face, hopefully this tree can serve as a reminder to you that there is a way to weather the life storms you’re experiencing. Don’t give up, but root yourself to the rock beneath you.

Is there something you can do in this month, that can set your sail in order to begin steering your ship in a better direction? What needs to take place so you can ride the rough waters you’re currently in? With whom do you need to speak with that can walk with you in your journey?

Lowell Harder


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