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From the Editor

From The Editor – Dec 2021

Merry Christmas
As we prepare for the Holidays, I am particularly aware of the challenges many families and individuals are facing. When I was a young teenager, we had an idea that my parents experimented with at our dinner table to help us be aware of one another’s needs. We weren’t allowed to ask for anything but had to be aware of those beside us and pass/suggest things like: “Would you like some butter?”, Or “I noticed that your glass is empty, would you like more water?” As you can imagine, we didn’t always notice our sibling’s needs, and there was a lot of throat clearing and plate banging with the utensils to get what we wanted to eat. I think this only lasted a few meals, so fortunately yours truly survived the experiment.

There is a lot of need around us. Our modern society covers it well. The current stat in Alberta is that food bank use is up 29%. That is significant. We put on plastic smiles and say we’re fine (freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional). The reality is, we’re not. I once heard someone say, “behind every door is a need.”

Unfortunately, in our efforts to not be seen as vulnerable, we don’t let people in when they knock. This Christmas don’t be afraid to open your door, but more importantly, don’t be afraid to knock. Recently my 10-year-old son tried his hand at baking shortbread. He gave it to a neighbour because he wanted to do something for someone.

Over the past year and a bit, most media outlets have done a good job of promoting fear. When you think about it, fear is rooted in the fact that our current environment isn’t enough. Fear causes us to think about our situation and we begin to act in ways that are selfish, and sometimes downright hostile. Giving ourselves (not just money), causes us to step outside of this fear and touch another’s need. One small act of kindness can begin to create a ripple effect in the lives of other people. It softens hearts and takes our eyes off ourselves and onto others.

This Christmas, hopefully you can find someone to bless. It doesn’t need to be big, just given from genuine love.

May you know and experience a joyous Christmas Season with your family and friends.

From my family to yours,
Lowell Harder


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